The first time I distractedly tried Ubuntu in 2012, I thought it had a terrible user experience and stopped using it after a few minutes. My impression of Raspbian in 2015 was just slightly better, and typing commands in the terminal still felt super clunky.
However, when I went back to Raspbian in 2019, I saw for the first time the colorful syntax highlighting in the nano
text editor, and understood that there are plenty of changes that can make using the terminal much more enjoyable.
After using Arch Linux extensively as my daily laptop and server OS, I want to share the little customization that I apply to every fresh installation to improve my user experience.
I run these commands as the “root” user unless otherwise specified.
An existing Linux installation.
Apart from the Packages section, these changes can be applied to other Linux distributions like Ubuntu and Raspberry Pi OS (remember to replace pacman
and yay
with apt
To run commands, we need a terminal interface. This can be an SSH client (when the Linux device is remote), a desktop app like Konsole, or a Linux TTY.
To edit configuration files, we need a text editor like micro
or nano
, that can be installed by running:
pacman -S micro
From micro
, you can press Alt + g
to show the main keybindings.
Set the keyboard layout
I use an Italian keyboard, so I need Linux to map keys correctly:
localectl set-keymap --no-convert "it"
Set the hostname
Fantasy is the limit!
hostnamectl hostname "MyServer"
Since Arch Linux in WSL is not using systemd
, I manually edit the hostname file:
echo "MyServer" > /etc/hostname
Set the time zone
I first set the right timezone, and then I sync the time via the Internet:
timedatectl set-timezone "Europe/Rome"
timedatectl set-ntp true
If a device has a hardware clock, I also run:
hwclock --systohc
Set the locale and language
I first open the file containing the locale settings to be generated:
micro /etc/locale.gen
Then I add at the beginning the languages I need:
en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8
it_IT.UTF-8 UTF-8
en_DK.UTF-8 UTF-8
# ...
Then I generate locale settings through this command:
Now that they are generated, I can use them:
localectl set-locale "en_US.UTF-8"
For further configurations, I can set additional variables like “LC_TIME” in /etc/locale.conf
Add a swap file
If a device has only few GBs of RAM, I create a swap file to avoid out-of-memory issues:
swapoff --all || true
swapSize="$(free | awk '/Mem:/ {print $2}')"
dd if=/dev/zero bs=1k count="$swapSize" of=/swapfile
chmod 600 /swapfile
mkswap /swapfile
Then, I enable the swap file and check that it is available:
swapon /swapfile
Finally, I append a new line to the file system tab:
# ...
/swapfile none swap defaults 0 0
Add hosts aliases
I often reference other devices with their hostnames rather than their IP addresses:
micro /etc/hosts
# local localhost MyPC
# lan MyRouter MyPrinter MyServer MyPC
# vpn MyServerVPN MyPCVPN
# external cf
Now I can run ssh MyServer
or ping cf
instead of entering IP addresses by hand.
Install a firewall
In the case of a server, a firewall is another security layer that sits between applications and external clients. I install nftables also on my laptop, to prevent accidentaly exposing services to other devices in a public network.
pacman -S iptables-nft
systemctl enable --now nftables
By default, only ping
and ssh
on port 22 will work out-of-the-box, so new rules must be added to expose services to external clients.
Change the root password
It’s as easy as running:
passwd root
This will change the password hash stored in /etc/shadow
Change the default user name
Arch Linux for ARM devices comes with a default “alarm” user and group with ID 1000, which I rename to “jack”:
groupmod --new-name jack alarm
usermod --login jack alarm
usermod --move-home --home /home/jack jack
passwd jack
id jack
Create a new user
Arch Linux for x86_64 devices doesn’t have any user other than “root”, so I create “jack” from scratch:
groupadd --gid 1000 jack
useradd --create-home --uid 1000 --gid 1000 --groups wheel --shell /bin/bash jack
passwd jack
id jack
The “wheel” group above grants additional privileges, e.g. running sudo
Grant elevated privileges to normal users
If I need to make system-wide changes, there are two main options:
- log in as the root user and run commands normally
- log in as an unprivileged user, and prepend commands with
By default, only users in the group wheel
will be allowed to run sudo
I first install sudo
and modify its configuration:
pacman -S sudo
EDITOR=micro visudo
I append this at the end:
# ...
Defaults timestamp_timeout=30
Defaults !tty_tickets
Defaults pwfeedback
Defaults editor=/usr/bin/micro
%wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL
These settings will require re-entering the user password just once every 30 minutes from the last time sudo
was run.
Improvements to Pacman
To enable parallel downloads, show colored output and progress bar in pacman
, I edit its configuration by running:
sed -i "/etc/pacman.conf" \
-e "s|^#Color|&\nColor\nILoveCandy|" \
-e "s|^#VerbosePkgLists|&\nVerbosePkgLists|" \
-e "s|^#ParallelDownloads.*|&\nParallelDownloads = 20|"
Improvements to Makepkg
When compiling packages from scratch, I store source files in /tmp/makepkg/
and use parallel compilation whenever possible:
sed -i "/etc/makepkg.conf" \
-e "s|^#BUILDDIR=.*|&\nBUILDDIR=/tmp/makepkg|" \
-e "s|^PKGEXT.*|PKGEXT='.pkg.tar'|" \
-e "s|^OPTIONS=.*|#&\nOPTIONS=(docs \!strip \!libtool \!staticlibs emptydirs zipman purge \!debug lto)|" \
-e "s|-march=.* -mtune=generic|-march=native|" \
-e "s|^#RUSTFLAGS=.*|&\nRUSTFLAGS=\"-C opt-level=2 -C target-cpu=native\"|" \
-e "s|^#MAKEFLAGS=.*|&\nMAKEFLAGS=\"-j$(($(nproc --all)-1))\"|"
Install Yay
I use yay
to install any package from the AUR and from the official repositories.
is not available in the official Arch Linux repositories, I guess to highlight that AUR packages are community-maintained, meaning that anyone can upload malware there.For this reason, before installing a new AUR package, I suggest to check
To install AUR packages like yay
, I first need some utilities:
pacman -S git base-devel
As an unprivileged user (e.g. jack), I then run:
git clone
cd yay-bin
sudo pacman -U yay-bin*
yay -V
cd ../
rm -r yay-bin
From now on, I run yay
as jack instead of pacman
as root:
# install a package from the repos or AUR
yay -S package
# update the system (including AUR packages)
yay -Syu
Clean package cache automatically
This periodic timer will clean pacman
cache once every week:
systemctl enable --now paccache.timer
To also delete yay
cache, I run
yay -Scc
Install ZSH
Instead of bash
, I use ZSH and some plugins:
yay -S zsh zsh-completions
I configure my ZSH by creating $HOME/.zshrc
as my jack user:
micro $HOME/.zshrc
Then, I write inside:
# ################################ VARIABLES
# ################ GLOBAL
# default text editor for sudo, git
export EDITOR=micro
# ################ ZSH-RELATED
# list of past commands that can be run with up or down arrows
# entries shown with history command
# entries saved
# define word delimiters
# define `time` output
# ################################ OPTIONS
# load autocompletion and colors
autoload -Uz compinit colors promptinit
# allow completions and its cache
# allow prompt customizations
# enable loaded colors
# enable aliases
setopt aliases
# prevent the shell from triggering the pc speaker
setopt nobeep
# keep track of commands
setopt appendhistory
# don't put commands starting with space in history
# allow to customize the prompt
setopt prompt_subst
# change folder by typing nits name
setopt autocd
# allow comments in interactive mode
setopt interactivecomments
# report status of background jobs
setopt notify
# sort files numerically when it makes sense
setopt numericglobsort
# delete history duplicates before older entries
setopt hist_expire_dups_first
# show commands typed in other terminal sessions
setopt share_history
# ################################ COMPLETIONS
# case-insensitive tab completion
zstyle ':completion:*' matcher-list 'm:{a-zA-Z}={A-Za-z}'
# colored completion (different colors for dirs/files/etc)
zstyle ':completion:*' list-colors "${(s.:.)LS_COLORS}"
# automatically find new executables in path
zstyle ':completion:*' rehash true
# ################################ GIT
# show git branch in prompt
branch=$(git symbolic-ref HEAD 2> /dev/null | awk '{gsub(/refs\/heads\//, ""); print}')
if [[ $branch != "" ]]; then
echo " ($branch)"
# ################################ PROMPT
PS1='%B%F{$_color1}%(4~|%-1~/.../%2~|%~)%u%b$(git_branch) %F{$_color2}${(C)USER}@${HOST/*-/}%F{$_color1}|>%f%b '
PS2='%B%F{$_color1}%_|>%f%b '
I try the new shell to see if it works as expected:
Once everything works fine, I change the default shell for my jack user:
chsh jack -s "/usr/bin/zsh"
Custom commands
Sometimes I create short aliases and functions for commands I run often, or for which I don’t want to type all the flags every time.
I store them in a separate file, that I reference in my .zshrc
# ...
# ################################ ALIASES AND FUNCTIONS
[[ -e $aliasFile ]] && source "$aliasFile"
Then I add my ZSH aliases and functions here:
micro $HOME/
For instance:
# ################################ ALIASES
# place this sudo entry before other aliases
alias "sudo=sudo -E "
alias "h=history"
alias "hg=history | grep"
alias "ip=ip -c"
alias "lol=ls -lah --color=tty"
alias "m=micro"
alias "n=nano"
# outputs file content after stripping comments
alias "nocomment=grep -Ev '^(\s*|\\\t*)?(#|;|!|%|\\\/\\\/|$)'"
alias "server=mosh MyServer -- tmux"
alias "myrsync=rsync -azzvhP"
alias "sn=sudo nano"
alias "ssa=sudo systemctl start"
alias "ssd=sudo systemctl disable"
alias "ssdr=sudo systemctl daemon-reload"
alias "sse=sudo systemctl enable --now"
alias "ssl=sudo systemctl reload"
alias "sso=sudo systemctl stop"
alias "ssr=sudo systemctl restart"
alias "sss=sudo systemctl status"
alias "sua=systemctl --user start"
alias "sud=systemctl --user disable"
alias "sudr=systemctl --user daemon-reload"
alias "sue=systemctl --user enable --now"
alias "sul=systemctl --user reload"
alias "suo=systemctl --user stop"
alias "sur=systemctl --user restart"
alias "sus=systemctl --user status"
alias "update=yay -Syu --noconfirm"
# ################################ FUNCTIONS
# these are zsh functions, and may be incompatible with bash ones
# journal logs since boot
journalctl -a -b -u "$1" | less +G
journalctl --user -a -b -u "$1" | less +G
# follow journal logs
journalctl -a -f -u "$1"
journalctl --user -a -f -u "$1"
# delete a remote file from the server
ssh MyServer "rm $1"
# download a remote file from the server to the current directory
myrsync "MyServer:$1" .
# send a local file to the server, placing it under /home/jack
myrsync "$1" "MyServer:/$HOME"
# show different stuff, e.g. 'show timers'
case "$1" in
"ip") curl -s ;;
"lanip") ip route get 1 | awk '/src/ {print $7}' ;;
"timers") systemctl list-timers --all --no-pager ;;
Third-party ZSH plugins
I use antidote to manage my ZSH plugins. First, I install it from the AUR:
yay -S zsh-antidote
On my ZSH configuration file, I add a new section:
# ...
# ################################ PLUGINS
if [[ ! -d "$HOME/.cache/antidote" ]] || [[ ! -f "${zsh_plugins}.zsh" ]] || [[ "${zsh_plugins}.txt" -nt "${zsh_plugins}.zsh" ]]; then
source "/usr/share/zsh-antidote/antidote.zsh"
antidote bundle < "${zsh_plugins}.txt" > "${zsh_plugins}.zsh"
source "${zsh_plugins}.zsh"
I add my ZSH plugins to $HOME/.zsh_antidote.txt
ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh path:lib
ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh path:plugins/extract
zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions kind:defer
zsh-users/zsh-history-substring-search kind:defer
The next time I launch a shell window, antidote
will download and activate these plugins.
Different prompt colors for root
I like to use a red interface when running commands as the root user.
As the root user, I copy my ZSH configuration file into root’s home directory:
cp /home/jack/.zshrc /root/.zshrc
And then I adjust the colors in the prompt session:
# ...
# ################################ PROMPT
# ...

Physical CLI access
If I need to access a device through a Linux TTY (e.g. a problematic Raspberry Pi or laptop), I like to use a larger font, set the right keyboard layout, enable mouse commands, and disable the annoying beep sound.
Set font and keyboard layout
I first install Terminus Font:
yay -S terminus-font
Then I create the file “/etc/vconsole.conf” and select the appropriate keyboard layout:
Enable mouse
With gpm
, the mouse cursor will appear as a white rectangle instead of the typical arrow, but it can still be helpful to copy and paste:
yay -S gpm
sudo systemctl enable --now gpm
Silence the beep sound
I find the beep sound annoying, so I silence it as soon as I can:
rmmod pcspkr
echo "blacklist pcspkr" > "/etc/modprobe.d/no-beep-sound.conf"
Remote CLI access
If I need to access a machine servers remotely, I always enable key authentication, set up measures against connection drop, and add a welcome message.
Use SSH keys instead of passwords
Client: generate a key pair
On my local PC, I generate an SSH key pair, adding a comment to specify the device I connect from:
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "jack@Jack-PC"
The keys can be accessed by running ls -la $HOME/.ssh/
4.0K -rw------- 1 jack jack 444 Apr 5 15:58 id_ed25519
4.0K -rw------- 1 jack jack 94 Apr 5 15:58
The file ending in “.pub” is the public key that must be sent to the server, while the one without extension is the private key that must not be shared.
To content of the public key can be shown with cat $HOME/.ssh/
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIK0wmN/Cr3JXqmLW7u+g9pTh+wyqDHpSQEIQczXkVx3d jack@Jack-PC
I login to my server using the usual password (for the last time):
ssh jack@
Server: authorize the public key
As my unprivileged user (jack), I create on the server the file that contains my public keys:
mkdir -p $HOME/.ssh
micro $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys
I copy inside the content of the public key
# one public key per line
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIK0wmN/Cr3JXqmLW7u+g9pTh+wyqDHpSQEIQczXkVx3d jack@Jack-PC
Key authentication should already be enabled on the server, you can check by running:
grep "PubkeyAuthentication" /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Client: check connectivity
I add my private key to my SSH client or SSH agent, depending on the client OS.
I open a new connection while keeping the previous one alive:
ssh -v jack@
It should not prompt me anymore for my password, as the client is using the private key to authenticate.
Server: disable password login
Now I can tell the server to accept SSH keys as the only authentication method, by disabling password authentication.
On the server, I run:
micro /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Then, I add this setting or change it to “no”:
# ...
PasswordAuthentication no
Client: backup the key pair
I highly recommend making a backup of your SSH private key, as you risk locking yourself out of the server if something happens to your client and you don’t have physical access.
If you lose your public key, you can still derive it from the private one by running:
ssh-keygen -y -f $HOME/.ssh/id_ed25519 > $HOME/.ssh/
Persist session even if the connection drops
Imagine running a remote system update through SSH, and suddenly the Wi-Fi / 5G network disconnects, or your laptop battery dies. You cannot resume an SSH session, so you risk missing important warnings from the update command.
Luckily, MoSh makes SSH connection persistent to network disconnections, and Tmux makes commands run in dedicated sessions, so I can easily resume in case of a client issue.
On the server, I install these programs with
yay -S mosh tmux
On the client, I access via mosh
and tmux
instead of ssh
mosh jack@ -- tmux
If you have a firewall on your server, be aware that MoSh uses UDP ports 60000-61000 for incoming connections, so they should be open.
Tmux key shortcuts can be daunting at first, so take a look at the Tmux cheatsheet.
I eventually adjusted my tmux configuration by creating $HOME/.tmux.conf
# split the screen vertically and horizontally with vertical bar and dash symbols
bind | split-window -h
bind - split-window -v
# use more colors
set -g terminal-overrides 'xterm*:smcup@:rmcup@'
set -g default-terminal "screen-256color"
# toggle mouse on (scrollable with wheel) with uppercase M
bind-key M \
set -g mouse on \; \
display "Mouse: ON"
# toggle mouse off (select text with cursor) with lowercase M
bind-key m \
set -g mouse off \; \
display "Mouse: OFF"
Custom welcome message
I like to give a bit of personality to each server with an ASCII art banner, that I create as /etc/profile.d/
cat <<BANNER
██╗ █████╗ ██████╗██╗ ██╗ ██████╗ ██████╗
██║██╔══██╗██╔════╝██║ ██╔╝ ██╔══██╗╚════██╗
██║███████║██║ █████╔╝█████╗██████╔╝ █████╔╝
██ ██║██╔══██║██║ ██╔═██╗╚════╝██╔═══╝ ██╔═══╝
╚█████╔╝██║ ██║╚██████╗██║ ██╗ ██║ ███████╗
╚════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═════╝╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚══════╝
Ciao! $HOST has been $(uptime --pretty)
Every time I connect remotely, I am greeted by this:

Edit files with Nano
While I found micro
to have syntax highlighting and modern keybindings out of the box, I relied heavily on my customized nano
in the past years.
Highlight syntax
First of all, I install nano
with the syntax highlighting plugin:
yay -S nano nano-syntax-highlighting
Then, I fix a little bug that has been there for years:
sed -i "/usr/share/nano-syntax-highlighting/nanorc.nanorc" \
-e 's|^icolor brightnormal " brightnormal"|icolor normal " normal"|'
Then I modify the global configuration file to enable syntax highlighting for all users (jack and root):
mv /etc/nanorc /etc/nanorc.old
nano /etc/nanorc
I write inside:
include "/usr/share/nano/*.nanorc"
include "/usr/share/nano-syntax-highlighting/*.nanorc"
set autoindent
set constantshow
set minibar
set multibuffer
set positionlog
set smarthome
set softwrap
set stateflags
set tabsize 4
set tabstospaces
bind ^Z undo main
bind ^Y redo main
bind ^R cancel yesno
bind ^X cut all
bind ^C copy all
bind ^V paste all
bind ^Q exit all
bind ^F whereis all
bind ^G findnext all
bind ^B wherewas all
bind ^D findprevious all
bind ^R replace main
bind ^S writeout main
bind ^O insert main
bind M-X flipnewbuffer all
bind ^T gotoline main
bind ^T gotodir browser
bind ^L speller main
unbind M-J main
unbind M-T main
unbind ^V all
unbind ^K all
unbind ^U all
Then, I check that the keybindings and syntax highlighting work well:
Different colors for root
I like to use a red interface when editing files as the root user.
To do so, I created a configuration file for root:
nano /root/.nanorc
And I write inside:
set errorcolor black,red
set functioncolor yellow
set keycolor black,yellow
set numbercolor yellow
set promptcolor black,yellow
set scrollercolor yellow
set selectedcolor black,red
set statuscolor black,yellow
set stripecolor yellow
set titlecolor black,yellow

Other helpful commands
I use pkgfile
to find which package I should install before I can run a certain command:
yay -S pkgfile
sudo pkgfile --update
# which package provides the 'drill' command?
pkgfile drill
I use tldr
to quickly understand how to use a certain command:
yay -S tealdeer
tldr --update
# how to extract a tar archive?
tldr tar
Wrap up
This list is long, perhaps too much. It would be unwise for a beginner to blindly apply all of these changes before even getting familiar with a Linux system.
I invite you to start from the things you find the most annoying or repetitive and find a way to fix or automate them. The Wiki and the Forum are great places to find resource and support.
You’ll be satisfied with the result earlier than you think, and your future self will be thankful for improving your setup without spending too much time doing that.